Tuesday 3 June 2008

Lifestyle transitional images

I started by putting together some comparative imagery with straight forward transitions. Thinking about lifestyle type activities which a cross section of every day people could relate to which could become effected by climate change from sunbathing to shopping. The theme at this point was playing on the statement 'Quicker than you think'. The idea being that climate change is happening quicker than you think. Not sure about the tortoise idea, I was thinking about animal habitats and how humans have always interfered with their environmental habitat hence the surveillance camera.

At this point I wasn't too sure how they would be used other than as part of some sort of campaign entitled 'Quicker than you think' or such like. Need to define more how to link them together better. The montage images are made up of several stock photos. I was trying to get them too look appealing to different audiences.

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